Adventure Days

Student News

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Thanks to everyone who attended Family Fun Night! We had a great time!!  Enjoy the video.


Mrs. Reynolds' Third Graders helped lead worship in Chapel on Wednesday, May 8th. Thank you, Mrs. Gibson and students for your hard work!  Enjoy the  video!



Mrs. Ginder's Pre-Kindergarten Class helped lead worship in Chapel on Wednesday, May 1st.  They were so cute! Enjoy the video.


Mrs. Silver's Pre-Kindergarten students help lead worship in Chapel on Wednesday, April 17th. They did such a good job! Enjoy the video.



Ms. Cervantes’ Kindergarten students helped lead worship in Chapel on Wednesday, April 10th. You will agree they did a great job!  Enjoy the video.



Mrs. Beed's Pre-Kindergarten students helped lead worship in Chapel on Wednesday, April 10th.  You will agree they did a SUPER job!  Enjoy the video!


We SO love and appreciate our Immanuel Lutheran School families and students! Thanks for coming to share pastries with us!!!  Enjoy the video.



Mrs. Meyerhoeffer's Kindergarten Class helped lead worship in Chapel on Wednesday, March 11th. Sending prayers for those students who were ill and not able to participate.  Enjoy the video.


Mrs. Hegman's Kindergarten Students helped lead worship in Chapel on Wednesday, March 6th. They did an awesome job!!! Enjoy the video.


Ms. Dobb's First Grade Students helped lead worship in Chapel on Wednesday, February 28th. We think you will agree that they did a great job!  Enjoy the video.

Ms. Schmidt's First Graders helped lead worship in Chapel on February 21st. They were impressive!  Enjoy the video!


Mrs. Gullidge's Second Grade students helped lead Chapel on Wednesday, February 14th. They did a beautiful job!  Enjoy the video.


Mrs. Reynolds' Third Grade students helped lead worship in Chapel on Wednesday, February 7th.  They did such a great job!! Enjoy the video.

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